
Compare your Payroll Software Options

Compare Zentric with other payroll providers.

Let's see how Zentric compares to other payroll system providers in terms of pricing, payroll, benefits, customer service and more. 


Spoiler Alert: Zentric is more accurate

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Zentric is an all-inclusive online payroll system.

From customers who recommend us
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Experience payrolls
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In processed and validated payrolls
$ 0 M
Comparative table of Zentric, Contpaqi, AspelNOI, RUNA, FiscoClic and nomilinea

Our purpose is to put an end to bad payroll calculations.








Choose Zentric, the most complete and modern payroll system

Request a demo and transform your payroll calculations

Start calculating your payroll for free, try Zentric at no cost and be amazed at its accuracy.

No Extra Cost

Competitors Payroll software
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Zentric offers you more benefits

Make salary changes, new benefits, disability, absences and more with our patented Active Calculation™ engine. All in real time.

Zentric 2022 - Accurate and Professional IMSS and Payroll Software
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